Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd post about a few things going on here.  On Sunday, early morning a Twinsburg Police Officer was shot and killed on a traffic stop (Twinsburg is a very nice community right near here where many of our friends live).  It is such a sad story... the man had been a Police Officer for 11 years and him and his wife just had their first baby 3 months ago.  This whole area is pretty shaken up by it and it hits very close to home for our family.  Jim and some other officers from his department will be going to the funeral on Friday. When I start to worry about Jim doing what he does, I need to go back to God's promises and remind myself that God is control of all things and His plan is perfect for our lives.  We are so thankful for many people that have just said "thank you" to Jim in light of this situation or who have told our family that they are praying for us as we process this horrible tragedy.
On a lighter note, but still kind of stinky... I am going in for some testing tomorrow to see if I have kidney stones.  Something is going on with me lately (I will spare you the details), so I am having two tests done to see what's wrong.  The doctor that I am seeing told me that I probably shouldn't nurse Micah for 24 hours after the one test (due to a dye that they will put in my body) so I am nervous to see how this is going to work out since Micah really has never had a bottle.  If you remember, could you please pray for the tests and also that we would make it through the day and night with this sudden change.  
And on a much happier note... Here's a couple pictures that I took yesterday of the kids.  Micah turned 6 months on the 4th and is really a sweetheart.  He is laughing so much at Jacob and Abbey lately.... it's so fun to hear that baby giggle :)

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