So sorry for the long delay since my last post. Everything here is just fine (thanks Cindy for your concern :). We had a very busy week and I've been trying to get caught up on my life the last couple days.
As I mentioned before, the show was amazing! There truly are no words to give justice to what an unforgettable day it was!
The hard work that went into every detail of this show was so evident. Mitchel and VDC's passion for dance, unbelievable talent and hard work made the show so wonderful from start to finish! It portrayed our journey in such a unique way. Quest Crew was awesome! Stepp Stewart, the MC was very entertaining and Jewel & Blair wrote and performed a beautiful song for our Abbey.
The theatre was filled with a little shy of 1,000 people! The turnout was awesome and there was so much excitement there that day.
Mitchel and all the dancers are a
very special group of people! They will never know how much it meant to us for them to take their talent and to use it to raise money for us and for leukemia research.
My voice, telling our journey was added into the beginning of each song and the dances portrayed what we've gone through so beautifully.
Some dances made us cry, yet they were all so full of hope. The day was just beautiful!
Mitchel and VDC raised $15,000 that day!! $7,500 is going toward leukemia/lymphoma research and $7,500 for our family!!! Unbelievable... I know :)!!!! There are not words that can express our thankfulness! God's faithfulness continues towards our family and we are forever thankful for Mitchel and VDC for their love and support! THANK YOU Mitchel and VDC!!! I also want to add in here a huge thanks for all the hard work by many that was put into making this day so special and amazing! There are many to thank, but to all who had a part in this day, THANK YOU! From the mom's who ran the raffle table to the many who bought tickets to be there, thank you all sooo very much!
Enjoy the pics and hopefully you can get a small glimpse into the amazingness (is that a word?) of the show :)!!!!
Much love to you all! :)
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful day and pictures with us. I'm so happy not only for the money raised for leukemia and lymphoma research but for what was raised to help your family.Abbey looks the picture of health and I pray that she remains healthy. God Bless!~
It's amazing to see how Abbey has grown. She looks so beautiful, as do the rest of your family. Continuing to pray & keep you in my thoughts.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
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