Our visit with my in-laws was great! They were here for ten days and it went by way too fast. It's so fun to have a full house, not to mention helpful to have extra hands around :). There's always lots of laughs, good talks and late nights when they're here. We always enjoy our visits with them very much! Jacob cried and cried when they pulled out to head home. My heart broke for him as I know he really "gets it" that they live far and it will be a while before we see them again. Hopefully we will be able to make a trip out to Philly soon.
And here's a few pics of Abbey's very first haircut since her hair has come back :)! It is growing like crazy and we just love her curls!! She really wanted to get her hair trimmed where I go so my dear friend Kendra trimmed her up last weekend. Abbey loved going to the beauty salon and she beamed as she sat in the chair. After Abbey was done, Kendra highlighted my hair for me as a gift to me :)! Thanks Kendra! You're so very good to us :)!
Caleb is growing like a weed. We are just crazy about this baby! I cannot get enough of his cheeks. Sometimes I kiss them so much that I make him cry. They're just so kissable that I can't help myself! He is a very content, happy baby and he has been consistently sleeping for 8 hour stretches at night with regular good naps during the day. I wish I could just freeze his age right now and that he could stay little forever. It is never far from my mind how God so richly blessed us with him in the midst of this hard year that we've had. He brings me so much joy and we are so thankful for our little Caleb :)!

Abbey has been feeling great! We have not been to clinic in 3 weeks and are not scheduled to go back until next Friday. At that visit she will get her monthly chemo in her port and her spinal chemo that she gets once every three months. I'm not looking forward to that as it's been so long since she has had to be sedated, but we'll get through it. We have loved this break from the hospital though! We have never gone a whole month without going so this has been our longest break ever.
We're all getting tired of winter around here. When it's nice outside we pretty much spend all day out so these long winters really get to us after a while. To help our cabin fever we just got Band Hero. If you don't know what it is, it's a game for the Wii with drums, a guitar and microphone. It's a ton of fun and we have all been getting a kick out of it! Below are some pics of the kids playing it.
We are very much looking forward to our Make a Wish trip which will be this spring. We are going to Disney World and we can't wait! We'll update you more on our trip as it gets closer. Thanks so much for checking in and continuing to love our family :)! Blessings to you all!
You are so blessed with such a sweet and beautiful family!
Keep on posting such stories. I love to read articles like this. Just add more pics :)
Shelley,I wasn't expecting a new update, but glad that you took time from your busy life to write one.:) The children all look so happy and healthy,and you're so right Caleb is growing like a weed! I enjoyed reading about your visit from the in-laws...too bad they live so far away from you. I also loved the pics of Abbey getting her haircut, she seems so grown up now. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful family with us. Good-luck selling the house, will be praying that the right buyer comes along.:) Take care and God Bless! I almost forgot...glad that Abbey and you were able to have such a long break from treatment and the clinic.:)~
I don't know how I missed you last 2 posts, but I am glad that I checked in to see how you guys are doing!!
First off, WOW, the show looked amazing that is so incredible how much they raised for your family and for another great charity!! God Bless them!
2nd, Abbey looks so cute and healthy! I love the curls and seeing her smile. I pray that Friday will go smoothly and that your breaks in between hospital visits will get longer and longer!
3rd, I HEAR you about feeling like a caged animal!!! These winters are biter and we are itching to get out in the backyard without 10,000 layers of clothes on! But at least the sun is shining down on us today!!
4th, Good luck selling your house! We were just having this same conversation and think that 2011 will be our year!! Praying for you in this area as well.
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