Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today Abbey will be starting her out-patient treatment.  We will be going to a building connected to the hospital called the 'Ireland Cancer Center'.  We will be spending a lot of time there over the next couple of years and we will refer to it as the ICC.  She will be having a platelet transfusion today at 11:00 and possibly a blood transfusion, depending on where her numbers are when we get there.  Please pray for her as they will have to access her port with a needle for her IV treatments.  This will eventually be something that she gets used to (at least that's what they're telling us), but we know it will be hard for her to have to get stuck again.  
We will then go again on Friday for her chemo (they will again access her port) and another spinal tap and bone marrow biopsy (she will be under sedation for those) to see the number of cancer cells still in her marrow.  Please be praying now for her bone marrow to look clean of cancer cells.  If the doctors aren't satisfied with what they find on Friday, they will have to do stronger treatment for her.  Please commit to pray with us for good test results on Friday so she will be spared the stronger therapy. 

Tonight we had a great family night.  Abbey was feeling pretty good and although she wasn't very active, she still was playing, coloring and smiling.  We did family devotions together, sang songs together and prayed together.  I peeked at Abbey while Jim was praying and it encourages my heart to see her pray.  Her hands were clenched and her eyes were shut tight.  We know God is going to heal our baby and use her in great ways!  We are so thankful that she's ours :)    


Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

Lifting you all up in prayer today - especially Abbey!

Anonymous said...

thanks for keeping us all up to date. we love you so much and are praying all the time.

Burkholders said...

Hi guys. It is so good to see your progress as you explain it in the blog. It is encouraging to hear what the Lord is doing. We are still praying and really embrace your direction as it allows us to specifically pray for Abbey's present needs.